Your guide to never feeling stuck again

If you're ready to break free from feeling stuck and spark excitement for moving forward in life and career, this edition is tailor-made for you.

You might recognize these common roadblocks to high performance:

  • Feeling stagnant in personal or professional growth.

  • Overwhelming commitments and unrealistic expectations.

  • Feeling disconnected with the direction your life is heading.

  • The absence of meaningful pursuits that ignite a fire within you.

  • The looming fear of failure or its counterpart, the fear of success.

  • The internal critic that feeds on perfectionism and negative self-talk.

All of which leads to self-sabotage in the form of procrastination, abandonment of goals, or burnout.

But what if I told you there's a way through?

A path that not only leads you out of the quagmire but propels you into a life bursting with excitement and progress?

Today, we're not just talking theory.

I'm bringing you actionable strategies tailored for a high performer like you.

Perhaps you're thinking, "I've got this; I don't feel stuck."

My challenge to you? Stay engaged.

These insights are your proactive shield against ever feeling stuck.

With that in mind, let’s unravel these breakthroughs.

Disclaimer: The path to overcoming feelings of being stuck is unique for everyone and, at times, might require more than just practical strategies. The power of therapy — in addressing deep-seated fears, insecurities, and trauma — cannot be overstated. If you find that these feelings significantly impact your well-being, relationships, or personal growth, I strongly encourage you to seek the support of a professional. Therapy can offer the comprehensive care and guidance necessary to navigate these challenges effectively. Remember, everyone can benefit from a guiding hand on their journey to healing and growth.

Read time: 8.1 minutes

Before we begin: Here’s what you might have missed last week

  • In issue #27 of The Productivist, I shared 5 strategies to beat procrastination.

  • You learnt steps to create a project timeline to eliminate uncertainty.

  • You discovered the Anti-Procrastination Checklist, 3-way planning method, and much more!

Click here to access the full issue.

Big idea #1: Take ownership.

Change starts when you stop pointing fingers and start looking in the mirror.

It's about taking full responsibility for your current situation, no matter the external circumstances.

Even if it’s the result of someone else's decisions or the impact of a recession, the reality is that your choices — or the lack thereof — have led you to where you are now.

This acceptance is the first, non-negotiable step towards genuine change.

Without owning your part, you're stuck talking instead of doing.

Understanding and accepting your part in your current state is liberating.

It shifts the narrative from being a victim of circumstances to being the architect of your future.

Recognize your role, reclaim your power, and prepare for real change.

This isn't just a step; it's the leap that sets everything else into motion.

Big idea #2: Reconnect with the future version of you.

Feeling stuck often stems from a disconnect with the future version of ourselves.

It's not about being naive and interpreting the present better than it is; it's about understanding that today does not have to define tomorrow.

The key? A different approach.

I want you to start envisioning your desired future again.

Imagine your ideal day three years from now.

  • What does it look like?

  • More importantly, what’s the feeling you want to experience then?

Clarity on what you truly desire is your first step forward.

To bring this future into focus, consider these actionable strategies:

  1. Adopt a growth mindset.

    Believe in your ability to learn and adapt.

    With determination, everything is figureoutable!

  2. Set goals.

    Define what success looks like for you.

    Break these goals down into manageable milestones, and establish habits and systems to achieve them.

  3. Socialize your goals.

    Not only does it create accountability, but also the act of vocalizing your goals makes them more and more real in your mind, thus raising their chances of coming to fruition.

  4. Visualize your progress.

    Do not underestimate the power of visualization.

    View it as an actual practice but in your mind.

    The more you practice the action, the more familiar and likely it becomes when it is game time.

By reconnecting with your future self and taking these practical steps, you start to understand what you need to do to make your dreams an actionable reality.

It’s about crafting a future that excites you, step by step.

Big idea #3: Stop listening to yourself. Start talking to yourself.

The most important conversations in your life are those you have with yourself.

Yet, many find themselves stuck, bogged down by an internal narrative that leans heavily into negativity.

They listen to — and believe — the disempowering thoughts echoing in their minds.

Remember, your thoughts are just that: thoughts.

Don’t give them more power than they deserve.

Your thoughts don't define you.

Your consciousness and your interpretation of these thoughts define you.

So, instead of listening to that negativity on repeat, I want you to start talking to yourself positively.

Imagine a friend in distress, echoing your internal doubts.

How would you uplift them?

Embrace that same compassion for yourself, prioritizing positive self-talk.

Here are practical ways to pivot toward positive self-talk:

  1. Jot down negative thoughts as soon as they arise.

    Getting them on paper moves them out of your head and reduces their impact.

  2. Challenge these thoughts.

    Is "I am not worthy" an absolute truth?

    Reflect on what defines worthiness and your own value.

  3. Seek evidence to support empowering thoughts.

    Start collecting all your accomplishments, wins, and positive feedback you receive.

    These are tangible proofs to state, “I am worthy”.

  4. Talk to yourself like you would to your best friend.

    If a friend aimed to achieve your goals, consider the encouragement they'd need.

    Write down these empowering statements and keep them close.

  5. Reaffirm these empowering statements as consistently as you can to rewire your mindset from a negative to a positive one.

By adopting these strategies, you're not just altering your internal dialogue; you're transforming how you engage with yourself and the world.

Embrace being your most supportive ally and watch as your reality shifts alongside your mindset.

Big idea #4: Intentions vs. Expectations.

Feeling stuck can sometimes be traced back to the high expectations you've set for where you should be in life right now.

Nothing wrong with being ambitious and setting a high bar for yourself, but the emotional toll of frustration and impatience when things don’t go as planned can be debilitating.

Here's a healthier approach:

  1. Keep setting high intentions for yourself.

    Aim for the stars as long as they are aligned with your core values, who you are and what you truly want.

  2. Set goals, but detach from the outcome.

    While it's important to set goals, releasing your attachment to specific external results can free you from unnecessary stress and disappointment.

  3. Instead, focus on daily actions and systems.

    Let your ambition drive your daily actions, focusing on what you can control.

    This shift in focus from outcome to output brings both peace and power.

  4. Choose your 3 words.

    All my clients choose 3 words that define the best of who they can be.

    This is how simple setting intention is.

    Now it’s your turn.

  5. Set positive triggers.

    After choosing your three words, set daily reminders to refocus your intention on who you aim to be.


Differentiate between:
  • intentions and expectations,

  • out-comes and out-puts, and

  • things that are in your control and things that are out of your control

This balance allows you to progress steadily towards your goals while staying grounded in the present.

Big idea #5: Amplify love.

If I could only give one piece of advice to someone who feels stuck in life, it would be to amplify love.

The quality of your life is defined by the quality of your relationships:

  • Your relationship with yourself.

  • Your relationships with others.

  • Your service and contribution.

Prioritize your well-being by dedicating time each week to activities that nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

Whether it's revisiting an old hobby or discovering a new passion, make space for joy and self-care.


  • Yoga, either in a class or at home

  • Playing a musical instrument

  • Solo dance sessions

  • Meditation

  • Colouring

  • Reading

  • Therapy

Fill up your cup first.

This approach not only fosters self-love but also strengthens your relationships with others and your capacity to serve and contribute meaningfully.

Tiny habit: Stay curious.

This habit guarantees you never feel stuck in life.

It's not just about delving into brand-new subjects; it's about adopting a mastery mindset within your field of expertise.

How do you avoid the trap of feeling 'stuck'?

  • Stay curious.

  • Ask questions.

  • Experiment.

  • Obsess over it.

  • Always seek improvement.

  • Have fun with it!

Curiosity fuels learning, skill enhancement, and progress — each an antidote to stagnation.

Progress, after all, is the very antithesis of feeling stuck.

The Productivist Question

Often, the catalyst for breaking free from stagnation is changing your environment.

So, today’s questions are:

  • Who are your “growth friends”?

  • How can you schedule more time with them this month?

Sometimes, the reason we can't see a brighter future is because no one else around us does.

If your circle is fixated on the negatives, like a recession, it's no wonder that's where your focus lies.

This isn't about leaving your current friends behind.

Instead, I encourage you to cultivate a community of "growth friends" – individuals who also place a high value on personal and professional growth.

These are the people you should be sharing your aspirations with.

They're not just friends; they're accountability partners and a crucial part of your support network.

Surrounding yourself with those who prioritize growth can significantly impact your motivation and outlook.

Have a beautiful week ahead,


PS: Would love to hear your biggest takeaway today. Please reply to this email or DM me on LinkedIn with your thoughts!

Two more ways I can help you

  1. Organize your life (FREE)

    If your life hasn’t been changed yet by my High Performance HQ, a beautiful all-in-one productivity system in Notion, reply back with one word “Notion”, and I’ll send it your way right away.

  2. Get professional guidance (for the price of a night out)

    You can go beyond achieving your 2024 goals when working with a coach. Book your first 1:1 session with me here or message me on LinkedIn.