Newsletter issue #3: Productive habits

A warm welcome to 26 new members of The Productivist!

This is the third and special edition!

…Because I have a gift for you.

Keep reading.

Read time: 3 minutes

Big Idea: First, we create habits; then, habits create us.

Last week we spoke about goal-setting. If you missed it, you can find it here.

The most important part of goal-setting is to understand what daily action you must take in order to achieve your goal in time.

In other words, what habits do you need to implement?

After all…

"We are what we repeatedly do."

- Aristotle

Where you are today is the result of the habits you had in the past few months and years.

So if you want to change the results you get in life, you know where to start.

Most of you are proud of the progress that you’ve made and how far you’ve come.

However, as you are looking ahead toward the next goal, I should remind you that:

What got you here will not get you there.

Do we have to change habits every time we are going after new heights?

Yes and no.

Yes, because if your current habits were enough to achieve the next goal, you would have been there already.

And no, because I am about to reveal the 6 timeless habits that the world’s most accomplished people have.

Habits that got and kept them at the peak performance level.

As a certified high performance coach, this is exactly what I do with my clients.

I help them develop high performance habits as it relates to their life goals.

And up until today, I haven’t spoken in detail about what high performance is.

It is NOT something I just came up with myself.

Although I witnessed the profound impact of it over and over again.

There is science behind it.

The research was conducted by the University of California Santa Barbara, the University of Pennsylvania, and the High Performance Institute.

You will have access to read the entire paper if you are as geeky as I am.

For more than a decade, High Performance Institute collected and analyzed data from over 1.6 million high performance clients and online personal development students in 195 countries.

Then scientific research with over 170,000 participants from all over the world concluded the findings of what the most impactful high performance habits are.

But less than 1% of people will ever find out.

And even fewer will ever implement them.

So if you want to be in the top 0.01%, this is for you.

My gift to you is this 10-minute insightful read into these Success Secrets.

This link will take you to a google drive where you can read it.

Tiny Habit: Reducing the distance between learning and action.

Initially, I wanted to share with you the 5-hour rule.

This habit was popularized by successful people such as Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, and Bill Gates to dedicate at least one hour of a workday towards learning or practicing new things - resulting in 5 hours of growth each week.

It is a powerful habit.

But there is a big caveat.

You need to actually implement the knowledge you acquire.

I made this mistake myself by devouring books with so much wealth in them but never implementing anything.

In fact, I was constantly learning new ways to improve different aspects of my life, but I was not doing any of them.

It made me very anxious and unhappy with myself because I literally knew better.

That’s why, today’s tiny habit with the biggest payoff is the habit of reducing the time between learning new information and then acting on it.

You will read the Success Secrets (read time: 10 minutes) and let’s see how long it takes you to do your first right action after learning something new there.

The Productivist Questions

Today’s topic is habits, and it is important to question our habits because it is in their nature to stay in our lives unnoticed.

Try coming back to these questions every 1-3 months:

Which of my habits no longer serve me in life?

What habits would the next best version of me have?

Which ONE new good habit can I implement into my life today? And how to do it successfully?

Until next week,


PS: You can access the gift here: Success Secrets.