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  • How your beliefs are shaping your future (and what to do about it)

How your beliefs are shaping your future (and what to do about it)

[3 powerful questions]

AI can solve complex problems in seconds, but AP (ancient philosophers) uncovered an even more powerful truth:

What if your perceptions shape your reality?

Think about it...

  • Our beliefs → influence our thoughts

  • Our thoughts → trigger our emotions

  • Our emotions → drive our actions

And those actions?

They create the world we live in.

But here’s the kicker:

It all loops back to our beliefs.

Because our beliefs are the lens through which we perceive and shape our reality.

Remember this visual I keep coming back to in my newsletters? 👇

If your beliefs are the lens…

Changing your beliefs will change your life experience.

So, if you are thinking:

What are those life-changing beliefs?

You’ll find the answer in this newsletter.

Ready to disrupt the beliefs that have been keeping you stuck and build a more productive, fulfilling life?

Good. Let’s shake thing up.

Read time: 3.5 minutes

Before we begin: Here’s what you might have missed last week…

Big idea #1: Do I live in a friendly or hostile universe?

(Thank you, Albert Einstein, for this one! 🙌)

The way we answer this question shapes everything.

A hostile universe looks like this:

  • People out for themselves

  • Others pushing you down to rise up

  • Relationships that are just transactions

But a friendly universe? It's full of:

  • People who genuinely want to help

  • True collaboration and support

  • Connections that lift you up

Which universe do you choose to live in?

If it’s hostile, it’s no surprise if:

  • You struggle to build deep friendships

  • You see others as competition

  • You feel isolated

This mindset can lead to cycles of anxiety and depression.

But in a friendly universe, you gain the privilege of:

  • Trusting others

  • Collaborating without fear

  • Offering value without expecting anything in return

You feel love, joy, and openness more often.

So ask yourself:

Which universe will you choose to live in next?

You may have lived in a hostile universe all your life, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay there.

  1. How will you create your friendly universe?

  2. What thoughts will you hold?

  3. What actions will you take?


Life is not what happens to you, it’s how you choose to see it.

The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

Albert Einstein

Big idea #2: Do I live in an abundant or scarce universe?

Here’s the thing:

Abundance is not about how much you have, it’s about how you think.

It’s a mindset.

In a scarce universe:

  • You believe there’s never enough

  • You constantly compare yourself to others

  • You hold onto things out of fear of losing them

Scarcity leads to feelings of lack, jealousy, and constant stress.

An abundant universe, though, feels completely different:

  • You trust that there’s enough for everyone

  • You celebrate others’ success without envy

  • You give freely, trusting what’s yours will return tenfold.

Abundance brings peace, gratitude, and a sense of inner wealth.

So, how can you invite more abundance into your life?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Shift your focus to gratitude.

What can you appreciate today that you usually overlook? Gratitude multiplies abundance.

  1. Celebrate others’ wins.

The more you lift others up, the more you feel abundance flow into your own life.

  1. Give without fear.

Whether it’s your time, knowledge, or kindness — when you give, you create space for more abundance to come your way.

Key takeaway:

You don’t stumble into abundance. It requires intention.

If you don’t choose abundance, you’ll never truly experience it.

Big idea #3: Do I have the power to change my destiny?

High-agency people know the answer: Yes. 💃

Staying stuck is a choice.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I believe I have the power to impact my life?

  • Do I trust that my decisions shape my future?


  • Do I see the world as something that happens to me?

The difference is life-changing.

It all starts with how we view our past:

  • Did it beat you down?

  • Or did it prepare you for where you are now?

Most people blame their upbringing, environment, or relationships for their current situation.

But high performers?

They see their past as lessons — building blocks of the strengths they have today.

So, when you look at your struggles, remember:

You’re not defined by your past, you’re prepared by it.

Joel Osteen

And as you look into your future, know that it’s the product of the choices you’re making right now.

Take charge.

The Productivist Challenge: Audit your beliefs

Where in your life are you experiencing the most dissatisfaction or challenge right now?

Take a moment to reflect on it.

Now, think about the beliefs and ideas you have about that area:

  • How do things work in this part of your life?

  • What does it take to improve it?

  • What do you believe about your ability to succeed here?

  • What do you think of people who are successful in this area?

Write down your answers. ✍️

Then highlight the beliefs that work against you — those that make success seem unlikely.

For example, if you're focused on building a successful business, your beliefs might look like this:

  • "I don’t have what it takes."

  • "I need to work 24/7 to succeed."

  • "The market is too saturated for me to succeed."

Notice how these beliefs could be holding you back.

Do you use them as a “reason” (excuse) not to start or to justify your setbacks?

Let’s change the narrative.

What if you were making the rules for this game…

How would you change the rules to both:

  1. increase your chances

  2. and help you grow?

Let’s revisit the example:

  • "I can develop the skills, habits, and mindset needed to succeed."

  • "With experience, I'll master prioritizing what moves the needle, allowing me to get more done in less time and delegate the rest.”

  • "There’s always room for me if I bring unique value to the market."

The takeaway?

Your beliefs are like the rules of a game.

They either push you forward or hold you back.

By auditing and rewriting the rules, you can shift your mindset and start playing to win.

The Productivist Question:

What's one belief that, if I fully embraced it tomorrow, would become the first domino in creating my dream life?

Wish you a wonderful week ahead,


PS: What’s one belief that you are taking away from this newsletter? Let me know by hitting reply or DMing me on LinkedIn!

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