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  • How to grow so fast that your friends have to get to know you all over again

How to grow so fast that your friends have to get to know you all over again

Change never stops.

Every decision prompts us to either grow (+1) or degrade (-1).

We are never stagnant.

Am I preaching to the choir? 😅

If you read this newsletter, you are well ahead on your personal growth journey.

But while we largely focus on incremental improvement — aiming to become 1% better each day — some moments in life have the power to accelerate our growth substantially.

And such transformation is our focus for today:

  • What are the main catalysts for transformation?

  • How can you direct your transformation?

  • How can you ensure productive growth?

Let’s focus on ways to grow so fast that our friends who haven’t seen us in a month now have to get to know us all over again.

Read time: 3.7 minutes

Before we begin: Here’s what you might have missed in the past few weeks…

  • In issue #38 of The Productivist, I shared 5 powerful tools to enhance your self-image. Read it here.

  • In issue #37, you discovered how you can make rejection your ally. Check it out here.

  • In issue #36, you learnt the roadmap from overwhelm to clarity. Access the full issue here.

Which one was your favourite? Just hit reply and let me know! 🫶

Big idea #1: Two main catalysts for transformation.

1. Kensho

Growth through pain or adversity:

  • health challenges

  • professional failures

  • relationship difficulties

In Zen Buddhism, these are known as "kensho" - moments of awakening arising from painful experiences.

They prompt growth as they make us:

  • confront our limitations,

  • reassess our values, and

  • initiate necessary changes.

2. Satori

Growth through sudden enlightenment:

  • personal insights from conversations, journaling, meditations

  • cultural or social enlightenment

  • professional epiphany

"Satori" refers to those instant enlightenments that dramatically shift our perception of self and reality, as if turning on a light in the darkness.

These moments foster growth by:

  • providing profound insights and clarity,

  • guiding us toward more authentic paths.

As you read it, do any of your own transformative experiences come to mind?

How have they led to your growth?

Big idea #2: Directing transformation.

Is there a way to avoid kensho and experience more satori?

To an extent, yes.

First, it's important to realize that both satori and kensho:

  1. serve different purposes in personal growth and

  2. the extent of our transformation depends on how actively we engage with them when they happen.

Second, satori moments are spontaneous by definition, so they can't be forced.

They are luck.

But here’s a secret: we can increase our luck surface area.

So how can you increase your likelihood of satori?

Through practices that enhance mindfulness and awareness:

  • meditation

  • deep reflection

  • contemplative reading

  • thoughtful discussions

  • active learning/experimentation

  • professional therapy or coaching

These activities prepare our minds and emotions to better recognize and embrace 'a-ha' moments as they happen.

On the other hand, kensho moments often stem from challenging or painful experiences, which are not always within our control to avoid.

However, we can work on responding to these situations with a mindset that emphasizes learning and growth. It helps reduce the emotional severity and frequency of learning exclusively through pain.

In the end, you cannot completely control what life brings you, but you can cultivate a lifestyle and mindset that favour:

  • awareness

  • reflection

  • openness.

It helps to:

 increase the likelihood of sudden insights (satori), and
minimize the negative impact adversity (kensho) has on you.

Big idea #3: 3 steps to productive transformation

Let’s say you’ve got your 'a-ha' moment. You realize, the change is needed.

Where do you start?

This 3-step framework is all you need:

1. Seek clarity
  • What is the change that needs to happen and why?

  • Who will you become along the way?

  • What skills/traits will you develop?

  • What milestones will lead you to that change?

  • What will distract you?

Clarity is one of our topics for next month, so stay tuned.

2. Build momentum
  • Transformation is not about movement, it’s about momentum.

  • The difference is between doing anything vs. what moves the needle.

  • Substantial growth is the product of your daily prioritized actions.

  • You need to remind yourself of your vision every day.

  • Ask, “What’s one most important task to move me forward today?”

Learn more about prioritization here.

3. Master stress
  • I can guarantee you that every big change in your life will come with struggle, doubt, and judgment - all of which lead to more stress.

  • It’s not about eliminating it. No pressure - no diamonds.

  • But how do you handle it?

Explore more on mastering stress here.

The Productivist Challenge: 7 days of mindfulness

As we discussed, you can increase the likelihood of satori by engaging in practices that help:

  • focus the mind,

  • increase present-moment awareness, and

  • develop a deeper connection with oneself and the environment.

Here are some effective habits for you to choose from:

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Journaling

  • Breathwork

  • Nature walks

  • Gratitude

  • Digital detox

  • Tai Chi

  • Qigong

Which one will you commit to for the next 7 days?

The Productivist Question

Is there anything I'm doing right now that - knowing what I now know - I wouldn’t choose to get into again if I were starting over today?

Have a growthful week ahead!


PS: Warm welcome to all the new joiners! DM me on LinkedIn to say hi!