Thriving during busy season

[Mindset. Energy. Systems.]

How to survive busy season?

(That was going to be the title of this newsletter...)

But after writing it, I realized:

You won’t just survive.

You'll get the roadmap to thrive.

Today, I’m sharing strategies to help you turn chaos into high performance.

Whether you’re in a busy season or gearing up for one, these tips will be a game-changer.

And yes, I’ll keep it brief and to-the-point (because I know you’re busy!)

Ready to thrive?

Keep reading!

Read time: 2.9 minutes

Before we begin: Here’s what you might have missed last week…

Big idea #1: Mindset

What will make you thrive during busy season?

→ Your mindset work.

How did you end up in this busy season?

Sure, circumstances may have added responsibilities... but more often than not:

You chose this.

Everything on your schedule — you put it there.
You asked for it.
You are responsible for it.

Now it’s time to show up and earn the opportunity.

I’m in the same boat, juggling my coaching business and MBA classes while also:

  • Prepping to represent my school at the largest international case competition

  • Helping a tech startup with the business side of things

  • Building the Womxn in Leadership club & community

I asked for this.
I am responsible.
Now it’s time to earn it.
And to enjoy it!

What do I mean by “own it”?

  • Stop complaining about it.

  • Stop making excuses.

  • Take back the control.

There’s no thriving in busy season without ownership.

So, next time frustration, complaints, or negativity creep in — notice it, release it.

Because during busy season, you’ve got no time for that!


I shared the most effective strategies to release stress here:

Big idea #2: Energy

What will make you thrive during busy season?

Energy management.

Busy seasons are marathons, not sprints.

To thrive, you need to manage your energy, not just your time.

Here’s how:

1. Optimize your routines

Prioritize the basics:

  • Sleep: Protect your 7-8 hours like your performance depends on it — because it does.

  • Diet: Fuel yourself with foods that energize, not drain you. Continue educating yourself on what diet is best for your brain.

  • Movement: Even a quick walk or stretch can reset your energy levels.

  • Hydration: Dehydration = fatigue. Drinking water ≠ hydrating. You need electrolytes.

All of these will ensure you are mentally sharp.

Here’s my audit of this season in life:
(And also the answer to everyone who knows me in real life and is shocked by my level of energy 😙)

2. Make a list of 10 things that energize you

Think about the simple activities that give you a boost, like:

  1. 10-minute walk

  2. Listening to favourite playlist

  3. Playing tug-of-war with your dog

→ Keep adding to the list until you get 10-20 items.
→ Keep the list near your desk or set it as a screensaver.
→ Do at least one of these during your breaks. (my next point)

Here’s the activity I do multiple times a day:
(I’ve also convinced all my clients to implement it!)

3. Take breaks

This isn’t optional.

If you’re going full speed for hours without a pause, your performance will suffer.

Schedule short breaks to reset your energy and clear your mind.

Any activity from your list of 10 will do!

4. Set boundaries

Protect your energy by saying “no” to distractions and unnecessary commitments.

You do not need to:

  • Attend every meeting

  • Reply to every email

  • Say yes to every ask

For example, I’m skipping all exam review sessions because my ROI is higher when I study on my own (not to mention the time saved from commuting).

These are the kinds of choices you need to start making to thrive during busy seasons.

5. Surround yourself with the right people

Stick with those who lift you up and support your goals.

Stay away from the energy-drainers.

During this season, you don’t have time for negativity or drama.

Big idea #3: Systems

What will make you thrive during busy season?

→ Better systems.


Because no matter how motivated or diligent you are, your effort will be wasted if your systems aren’t dialed in.

Think of everything you do as executing systems.

You’re not bad at remembering to follow up with clients → your system for it isn’t working.

Right now, your system might be relying on memory and hoping to squeeze it in when possible.

But what if you changed that?

  • What if you scheduled a 30-minute block for client follow-ups every Friday?

  • Or put it on a to-do list you check multiple times a day?

  • Or delegated follow-ups to an assistant?

There’s no one-size-fits-all system.

Through experimentation, you’ll find what works best for you.

That’s what I call a dialed-in system.

So, what systems do you need?

  • Systems to stay organized (easily accessible calendar and to-do list)

  • Systems to prioritize (the Eisenhower matrix)

  • Systems to focus (distraction free environment, focus rituals)

  • Systems to delegate (check this one out)

  • Systems to handle emergencies (auto-replies, designated channels)

  • Systems to follow up (set deadlines, expectations, and reminders)

  • Systems for anything else you need to manage.

The Productivist Challenge: Ask for help.

Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness — it’s a sign of confidence and long-term thinking.

What asking for help looks like:

  • Asking your partner to share family duties

  • Delegating tasks to your team

  • Hiring help for chores

What 3 things can you ask for help with this week?

The Productivist Question:

How will I reward myself for thriving through this busy season?

How will I measure my success?

And most importantly, when is the end date of this season?

Wish you a productive week ahead,


PS: What’s the biggest a-ha for you here? Let me know by hitting reply or DMing me on LinkedIn!

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