Your guide to fixing your morning routine

[Peace. Flexibility. Consistency.]

Does your morning feel like it sets you up for success — or leaves you struggling to catch up?

In this issue, we’re diving into the real purpose of a morning routine.

Spoiler alert: It’s not just a hype 😉 

I’ll share:

  • The top 3 mistakes people make first thing in the morning (and simple fixes)

  • The secret to building flexible routines that actually work

  • And how to get momentum right from the start

Skip the groggy start.

Here’s how to start your day with clarity, energy, and intention.

Here we go.

Read time: 3.5 minutes

Before we begin: Here’s what you might have missed last week…

Big idea #1: Protect your peace

When I talk about my morning routine, I often forget to mention some non-negotiables that help me stay balanced and energized.

They’re simple habits I take for granted, yet they’re not as common as I’d hope.

Let’s change that!

Here are the TOP 3 worst things to do first thing in the morning:

  1. Hitting the snooze button

  2. Checking notifications immediately

  3. Lingering in bed after waking up

If you’re consistently getting 8+ hours of sleep (most do not need that much), waking up refreshed, and performing at your best — this part might not be for you.

But if you often sleep or stay in bed for that “extra hour” and notice fatigue, mood dips, or lower productivity, keep reading.

Let’s break it down:

Avoid hitting the snooze button

When the alarm rings, resist the urge to say “just 5 more minutes” and hit snooze.


  1. Hitting snooze often leads to feeling more lethargic and unfocused throughout the day.

  2. More importantly, it sends a signal to your mind that you’re not honouring your commitments — even small ones like getting up on time.

    When you set an alarm, you’re making a promise to yourself.

    Every time you hit snooze, your brain notices that you're not following through.

Small habit?

Yes — but if ignored, it can become a dangerous pattern.

Hold off on your phone

Checking notifications first thing in the morning seems harmless.

And it is — if you do it once in a while.

But if it becomes a daily habit — it creates an array of health problems.

Checking emails or social media jolts your nervous system and triggers a fight-or-flight response, setting an anxiety-filled tone for the day.

So if you find it hard to self-regulate throughout the day, this may be one of the reasons why.

Get moving

Staying in bed, even if awake, is linked to sedentary behaviours that correlate with depression and lower mood.

When we wake up, cortisol levels naturally spike — a biological cue to get up and moving.

When we ignore this cue and stay in bed, it can result in

  • lethargy,

  • decreased motivation,

  • and prolonged sleep inertia.

Not to mention that scrolling in bed trains your brain to associate the bed with wakefulness rather than sleep — don’t fall into this trap.

Simply removing these habits from your morning routine can leave you feeling more energized and focused during the day, while also improving your sleep quality.

Big idea #2: What’s the real purpose of a morning routine?

Let’s be honest, morning routines aren’t just for TikTok likes and views, even if it seems like some people treat them that way.

The true power of a morning routine?

It’s about reducing decision fatigue and building momentum.

Ever notice that mornings are smoother when you know exactly what to do?

Here’s why that matters:

1. Reduce decision-making fatigue

Each small decision chips away at your energy:

  • What to wear?

  • What to eat?

  • To exercise or not?

A well-planned routine means these choices are made in advance, freeing up brainpower for more meaningful work.

Instead of debating whether to go for a jog or what playlist to listen to, you wake up, and the next step is already set.

2. Build momentum early

The right morning routine isn’t just efficient.

It sets a productive tone for the rest of the day.

When your actions are planned, you move seamlessly from one task to the next, making it easier to get into flow.

Think about the last time you had your morning planned:

  • Outfit? Ready the night before.

  • Breakfast? Decided and maybe even prepped.

  • Tasks? Prioritized and organized.

You woke up and went straight into execution mode, no snoozing or second-guessing.

3. Lower cognitive cost for higher rewards

Decision fatigue is real, and every small choice we make throughout the day drains our mental energy.

By pre-setting simple actions, your morning routine almost gives you an ROI.

You start the day energized, with momentum that makes even the toughest tasks feel easier.

So, instead of waking up and “winging it,” build a routine that sets you up for success without depleting your mental reserves.

The key isn’t just doing things that “feel good,” but creating a process that works without thinking.

Big idea #3: The ABC levels for a morning routine

That perfect routine you saw on TikTok — do you really think that person follows it every single day, all 365 days of the year?

Of course not.

So in real life, how can we stay flexible, yet consistent?

  • First, my morning routine shifts a bit each season, based on my current goals and priorities.

  • Second, I always create levels to my routine.

Right now, with a busy schedule, I’m often operating at “B-level” more than “A.

And that’s okay!

(Remember the ABC levels of goal-setting I told you about in one of the previous issues?)

You can apply this to your morning routine.

Because it adds flexibility that real life often needs.

Here’s how I break it down (and how you can do the same for your routine):

A-level routine (2+ hours)

My “slow morning” setup (I aim for 2-3 times/week)

  • A big glass of water with electrolytes

  • 15g protein shake

  • 20+ min meditation

  • 40+ min workout

  • Shower

  • Outdoor walk

  • High-protein breakfast

B-level routine (1.5 hours)

This is my plan for the other 4-5 days of the week.

  •  A big glass of water with electrolytes

  • 15g protein shake

  • 10-min meditation

  • 20-min workout

  • Shower

  • Outdoor walk

  • High-protein breakfast

C-level routine (<1 hours)

If ever I’m not feeling my best, this is my non-negotiable.

  •  A big glass of water with electrolytes

  • 10-min stretching

  • Outdoor walk

  • High-protein breakfast

It might not sound sexy, but having a structured morning means I’m not burning brainpower just getting out the door.


Less chaos in the morning = more creativity & performance later.

The Productivist Question:

What’s one non-negotiable in your morning routine that helps you stay on track?

Wish you a beautiful week ahead,


PS: What’s the biggest insight for you here? Let me know by hitting reply or DMing me on LinkedIn!

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